Nixing the Imposter Syndrome

Who has ever talked themselves out of an opportunity because you didn't feel like you were ready yet? *Raises hand*

Girl. The truth is ... you'll never be fully ready. Doing and often times failing are the best teachers. The imposter syndrome is defined as the inability to internalize personal accomplishments and having a persistent fear of being exposed as a "fraud."

It's time to own our brilliance. You hear me? OWN IT! The key is to leap over your fear with FAITH and know that if you fall, you will fall forward - knowing more, understanding more, and having grown. 

Stop with the who am I to do this? Quit comparing yourself to others in your desired field.  Why not you? Who are you not to walk in your purpose, share your expertise, grow your brand, be profitable, and live your best life?! 

The internet is full of people faking till they make it. I'm not a fan and don't advocate for that. But, I do advocate for being true to yourself, being content with your place, and shining where you are. I believe that you can bless others with what you have, right now, where you are. 

So pray this prayer with me. 

Dear Lord,
Help me to see myself the way that you see me. Invigorate my mind with your plans and dreams for me. Help me to honor you with everything that I do and to work diligently with the time that you’ve alloted for me. Use me to help others, and bless me to be fruitful and content with all that you have provided.
— In Jesus' name, Amen.